Sea freight Services
Sea Freight

Our distinguished sea freight services include attentive client service, enhanced paperwork, tracking, and data warehouses. Our logistic services encompass a comprehensive door-to-door transportation chain from the origin to the ultimate destination and port-to-port shipments. AGS's exceptional sea freight specialists collaborate directly with each customer to produce cross-trade shipments that meet their schedule and budgetary criteria. Technological advancements have made maritime transportation more cost-effective, time-saving, and efficient. AGS provides a precise and accurate solution to effectively handle the intricacies of shipping your cargo by water.

AGS is your one-stop shop for all forms of maritime freight transit on all commercial routes linking the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Europe, and the United States. Even in peak seasons, AGS's seasoned network of reputable and trusted carriers provides the best maritime freight. We accept full-container loads (FCL) and less-than-container loads (LCL). We guarantee that shipments are handled properly at the origin and destination ports using our Institutional Contract of Carriage. We offer customizable shipment options and long-standing ties with all major marine freight companies globally.

Why AGS Sea Freight?
Most competitive freight costs over long distances
Oversized, heavy and bulky cargo capability
Carry hazardous cargo via ship safely
Move high volumes in a single shipment